Pesto Casarecce

Pesto is a sauce that is prepared cold and added to hot pasta. In Liguria, it’s usually prepared with a pestle and mortar, first grinding the garlic with a pinch of sea salt and gradually adding and grinding all the other ingredients, ending with a splash of olive oil.

Preparation Time







  • 400 g of Garofalo caserecce (n. 88)

  • 50 g basil

  • 30 g pine nuts

  • ½ glass of extra virgin olive oil

  • 50 g grated Parmigiano cheese

  • 20 g grated Sardinian pecorino cheese

  • 1-2 cloves of garlic

  • Pinch of salt

Product used


  • 1

    - Lightly roast the pine nuts in a pan over a very low heat and leave to cool on a plate.

  • 2

    - Wash the basil leaves, so as not to handle them too much and prevent them from oxidising, and dry them in a salad spinner.

  • 3

    - Separate the leaves and place them in a blender with some of the pine nuts, cheeses, chopped garlic, oil and salt.

  • 4

    - Gently blend the pesto, without holding down the button for too long so that the sauce doesn't get too hot or too runny.

  • 5

    - Gradually add all the ingredients until reaching the desired consistency

  • 6

    - As the caserecce is being cooked in boiling water with salt, place the sauce in a large bowl, which will be used to serve the pasta.

  • 7

    - Drain the pasta and place in the bowl while stirring, adding some of the pasta water to give the sauce more texture.

  • 8

    - Add more grated cheese when serving, depending on taste.

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