Contact Us
All the useful contacts for getting in touch with Pasta Garofalo.
Martelli Foods Inc.
6650 Tomken Road,
Mississauga, Ontario L5T 1N1
Phone 905 673 0335
Fax 905 673 8283
Here we answer your most frequently asked questions and gather your requests
in order to guarantee more efficient and transparent service every day.
Where does the wheat used to produce Pasta Garofalo come from?
We select only semolina of excellent quality, and then subject it to strict controls. The best and most suitable wheat for making Pasta Garofalo comes from various geographical areas of the world, from Italy to the hot and dry areas of Arizona and Australia.
What causes the presence of parasites in the pasta package?
The presence of pests inside the pasta packages is rare and is linked to the conditions of product preservation from the moment it leaves our warehouses up to your pantry. If you have noticed the presence of parasites in a Pasta Garofalo package, help us improve our service by writing to us in the dedicated form or read the information here qui.
Why are some products not distributed in all supermarkets? How can I find them?
Not all our products have the same distribution in various shops.
Contact us by filling out the form, one of our consultants will help you find the desired product in the nearest store.
Where can I find information on the pasta's raw ingredients?
Garofalo is the first Italian brand to have provided consumers with a traceability tool of its raw ingredients, which makes it possible to verify all the analyses carried out on the semolina used for the production of a specific package of our pasta. To access the information, just enter the expiration date indicated on the back of your package of pasta in the tool you can find here.
In particular, you can learn the provenance of your pasta as well as chemical-physical, microbiological and hygienic-sanitary features.
Because perfect pasta is an exact science.
Is your durum wheat purchased abroad GMO?
There is no GMO durum wheat, so be rest assured. We are also very attentive to the entire production chain: we follow the raw ingredients of our pasta at every stage of processing: it is subjected to cross-checks from the arrival of the wheat up to the delivery of the semolina to the pasta factory.
What checks are carried out on products to guarantee quality?
The semolina purchased by Pasta Garofalo is controlled throughout the supply chain: with the delivery of the wheat, with the purchase by the mill where the first bacteriological examination takes place, during processing inside the mill and then upon the delivery of the semolina to our pasta factory, where it is subjected to chemical and physical checks in the Garofalo laboratory.
A further check is carried out with the finished product before shipment.
Lastly, the pasta is subjected to random checks at an external certified laboratory, even after it reaches shops.
What is Pasta Garofalo's commitment to the territory and the environment?
Garofalo has long wondered how it can maintain and improve the quality of the environment where it operates by minimising the impact of production.
Garofalo is constantly committed to identifying appropriate measures to reduce its energy consumption and increase the use of alternative and renewable energy sources.
Garofalo is totally autonomous from an energy point of view thanks to photovoltaics, and we have installed a cogenerator and a regenerator for water reuse. The cartons for the transport of pasta are made of 100% recycled paper in Campania, saving around 27,000 trees, 800,000 cubic metres of water, almost 9 million kWh of electricity and 42,000 kilograms of CO2. And because we are convinced that the commitment to protecting the environment starts first and foremost with people, we encourage our employees to put any initiative to reduce energy consumption in practice both in the workplace and in their private lives, through staff awareness programs, information and training.
What does PGI stand for?
The PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) mark designates a product originating in a specific place, region or country whose given quality, reputation or other characteristic is essentially attributable to its geographical origin and at least one of the production steps of which takes place in the defined geographical area.
Pasta Garofalo meets all the requirements and for this it deserves the quality mark of Pasta di Gragnano PGI.
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